
CED / AG Neumann

Scientific interest:

We are interested in intestinal wound- and anastomotic healing in inflammatory bowel disease. Our special interest lies in application of nanoparticle-based local and systemic treatment for induction of wound healing during intestinal inflammation.

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Current projects:

  • Investigation of the use of Ac2-26 loaded nanoparticles for induction of anastomotic healing during inflammatory conditions in the gut
  • Assesment of Annexin A1 treatment for prevention of intestional fibrosis following ileocecal resection in a murine model of Crohns disease
  • Analysis of Annexin A1 expression in surgical specimen of patients with Crohn´s disease

International collaborations:

Prof. Asma Nusrat and Charles Parkos

Department of Pathology
University of Michigan

Ass. Prof. Nazila Kamaly
Institute of Nanomedicine
TU Copenhagen